Singita Grumeti Reserves

South Africa’s pioneering Singita tourism group revamped a pair of lavish lodges and a tented camp in the Grumeti Reserves of Serengeti National Park. You almost expect to see Teddy Roosevelt behind the wheel of one of the two vintage Chevrolets parked at the entrance to Sabora, a safari camp accessorized with antique mahogany chests, worn-leather folding chairs, and thick Persian rugs. Faru Faru, with six chalets overlooking the Grumeti River, channels a Swahili beach resort; a swimming pool curves in front of an open-air lounge, where guests sip sunset cocktails as elephants gather at the watering hole below. The reserve’s flagship is Sasakwa, an East African ranch house set on a plateau with panoramic views of the plains. The lodge’s wood-paneled libraries have an English country club feel, and there are seven cottage residences, each with a garden and plunge pool. Tennis courts, a spa, and a yoga center occupy guests between twice-daily game drives, where sightings include wildebeest, zebras, and gazelles.

Site :
Serengeti Plains
Serengeti National Park, Tanzania
TEL: 27 21 683-3424
TEL: +1 770 947 7049/98

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